Summer Construction Roadway Void Detection, Piru, CA

Background: A storm drain leak caused a large void on the side of California Highway 126. The void appeared to be contained outside of the roadway, but engineers wanted to be certain that the voiding did not continue into the travel lanes.

GPR Data’s Solution: GPR Data worked with engineers to design a collection plan that would have minimal impact of traffic and still provide a coverage area large enough to ensure confidence in the results. We identified no voiding or unconsolidated soils in the travel lanes. Based on our results, engineers concluded that no additional repairs would be necessary in the roadway. Our ability to noninvasively confirm the stability of the roadway saved taxpayers thousands of dollars and many traffic headaches.

Learn more about Void Detection


Void on edge of road shoulder


No void in travel lane


Posted on

September 9, 2020

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